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Digital Communication and Fluencies

The "Napalm Girl" is well known Picture taken during the Vietnamese War in 1972 of and incident that took place during the war. This well-known picture is surrounded by controversy mainly because of the fully nude female in the picture. The picture is a part of history that should be regularly remembered but the issue is the profanity which was captured in this picture. personally i have mixed views on this particular image. Personally i see this picture as a great reminder of Vietnamese history and a great indication of what the war looked like up close. At the same time i have an issue with the undressed girl in the image. I feel as if the nudity is inappropriate seeing as how this picture has so much attention around it. I remember seeing this particular picture in my text book as a child who was still in high school. For me the picture did not make me think of the war and how it was a shame that it had happened. It made me uncomfortable seeing as how there was a nude little girl in the picture. All in all I feel that the image is inappropriate simply because of the nudity.

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